
FUJIFILM SQUARE 写真歴史博物館企画写真展


新しい写真表現の豊穣期であった1970年代、その一翼を担う写真家として注目を浴びながら、36歳という若さでこの世を去った牛腸茂雄という写真家がいました。1946年、新潟県に生まれた牛腸茂雄は3歳で胸椎カリエスを患い、長期間にわたって下半身をギプスで固定される生活を余儀なくされたことから成長が止まり、生涯、身体的ハンディとともに生きていくことになりました。10代からデザインの分野で非凡な才能を見せた牛腸の大きな転機となったのが、高校卒業後、デザイナーを志し進学した桑沢デザイン研究所での大辻清司との出会いでした。戦後美術史に重要な足跡を残した写真家・大辻は、新しい世代の礎となる才能を数多く見出した優れた教育者でもありました。「もしこれを育てないで放って置くならば、教師の犯罪である、とさえ思った」。その回想にある言葉通りの大辻の熱心な説得は、牛腸の心を動かし本格的に写真の道を歩む決意を固めます。レンズを通して見つめる新たな世界を獲得した牛腸茂雄は、憑かれるように創造の世界に没頭し、カメラ雑誌などに発表した作品が次第に評判を呼び、若い世代の写真家として注目されるようになっていきました。何気ない日常で出会った子どもたち、家族、友人…静逸で淡々とした作品の奥からこちらを見つめる被写体のまなざしは、写真を通して「自分と世界との関わり」を探求し続けた牛腸茂雄のポートレイトでもあります。その身体的ハンディゆえに「見ること」と「見られること」、「自己」と「他者」との関係性を意識することを強いられていた牛腸が世界を見るまなざしには、常に初めて世界をみたような初々しさと深い洞察が共存しています。本展は、<日々><幼年の「時間(とき)」><SELF AND OTHERS>などモノクロ作品のシリーズから精選した約30点により「夭折の写真家」牛腸茂雄の足跡をたどります。近年、再評価の新たな機運が高まる牛腸茂雄が提示する世界は、見るものそれぞれの奥に眠る記憶を呼び起こし、静かで深い感動を呼ぶものと確信します。

企画展名:FUJIFILM SQUARE 写真歴史博物館企画写真展
「GOCHO SHIGEO 牛腸茂雄という写真家がいた。1946-1983」
10:00 -19:00(入場は18 :50まで)会期中無休
会場:FUJIFILM SQUARE (フジフイルム スクエア)写真歴史博物館

〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂9丁目7番3号(東京ミッドタウン・ウエスト)
TEL 03-6271-3350
URL http://fujifilmsquare.jp
入場料:無 料

牛腸茂雄(ごちょう しげお)略歴:
1946年11月2日、新潟県南蒲原郡加茂町(現・加茂市)で金物屋を営む家に次男として生まれる。3歳で胸椎カリエスを患いほぼ1年間を寝たきりで送る。 10代から数々の美術展、ポスター展などに入選。 1965年、新潟県立三条実業高等学校を卒業後、桑沢デザイン研究所リビングデザイン科入学、その後、リビングデザイン研究科写真専攻に進む。 1968年、同校卒業。デザインの仕事と並行して写真を撮り続ける。 1977年、『SELF AND OTHERS』(白亜館)を自費出版。1978年、本写真集と展覧会により日本写真協会賞新人賞受賞。 1983年、体調不良のため実家に戻り静養を続けるが、6月2日、心不全のため死去。享年36歳。 2004年には回顧展「牛腸茂雄 1946-1983」(新潟市立美術館、山形美術館、三鷹市民ギャラリー)が開催され、2000年には佐藤真監督によるドキュメンタリー映画「SELF AND OTHERS」が製作され大きな反響を呼ぶ。 2013年、『こども』(白水社)、新装版『見慣れた街の中で』(山羊舍)が相次いで刊行された。

1.「SELF AND OTHERS」上映会&飯沢耕太郎氏(写真評論家)講演会
第一部 ドキュメンタリー映画「SELF AND OTHERS」(佐藤真監督、2000年)上映
第二部「牛腸茂雄と『SELF AND OTHERS』を巡って」飯沢耕太郎氏(写真評論家)講演
「阿賀に生きる」などの作品により、国内外で高い評価を得た佐藤真監督(1957年-2007年)により牛腸没後の2000年に製作されたドキュメンタリー映画「SELF AND OTHERS」は、牛腸を知る人のインタビューなどを一切排除し、牛腸茂雄の写真と撮影地をたどり、残された草稿、手紙、肉声などとのコラージュによって構成した革新的ドキュメンタリーとして、公開時、大きな評判を呼びました。本編上映後、牛腸茂雄の再評価の契機を作り、生前の佐藤監督とも交流のあった写真評論家の飯沢耕太郎氏に牛腸作品についてお話しいただきます。
会場:フジフイルム スクエア 2F特設会場/入場料:無料
参加申込:10月5日(水)10:00からお電話、もしくはフジフイルム スクエア受付にて承ります。
TEL : 03-6271-3350 (受付時間10:00-18:00)
会場:フジフイルム スクエア 写真歴史博物館
入場料:無料 (事前申込不要)

撮影:牛腸 茂雄

There was a man called
Gocho Shigeo

An exhibition of works by photographer Gocho Shigeo, presented and hosted by
The Photo History Museum at FUJIFILM SQUARE
Title:‘There was a man called Gocho Shigeo (1946-1983)’
An exhibition of works by photographer Gocho Shigeo, presented and hosted by The Photo History Museum at FUJIFILM SQUARE

Period:October 1st , 2016 (Saturday) – December 28th, 2016 (Wednesday)
open everyday from 10:00 to 19:00(last admission 18:50)
Number of exhibited works:30
9-7-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052 JAPAN
(Tokyo Midtown West)
TEL 03-6271-3350 URL http://fujifilmsquare.jp
Admissions: Free
Organisation:FUJIFILM Corporation
Cooperation:MIURA Kazuto
Collaboration:The Minato-ku Board of Education
Planning and Production:Contact Co., Ltd.

About the Exhibtion:
There was a photographer called Gocho Shigeo. He left this world prematurely at the age of 36. Nevertheless, he gained a lot of attention; during the 1970s, a fertile period that saw a variety of new photographic expressions and in whose development and deployment he played an important role.
Gocho Shigeo was born 1946 in Niigata Prefecture. Falling ill with Pott’s disease (vertebral tuberculosis) at the age of 3, he was forced to wear a cast to stabilize his lower body over a long period of time. It was a measure that influenced his growth and led him to lead a life with a physically disabled body. A major turning point for the young Gocho, who showed great talent in the field of design, was the encounter with photographer Kiyoji Otsuji at the Kuwasawa Design School after he graduated from Highschool. Otsuji was an important figure in the post-war art world and was also a distinguished supporter and educator of many of those artists that later founded a new generation of Japanese photography and art more generally. “As a teacher, ignoring and not supporting this talent I would have committed a crime”. The passion emanating from Otsuji’s recollection of his encounter with Gocho also fueled his persuasion of him, which in turn led Gocho to not only pursue a career as designer but also set him onto the path to become the photographer we know him as today.
Subsequently Gocho, who found himself a new world of creation behind and in front of the camera, began to actively take part in Japan’s photographic scene by publishing works in photographic magazines; works that soon attracted the attention of renowned photographers and critics. His casual photographs of children, of his family and friends – his photographic subjects gazing at us from within his quiet and matter-of-fact works mirror Gocho’s life-long inquiry into the personal relation between the ‘self’ and ‘others’. In his gaze, shaped by the experience of his handicapped self being not only the one looking but constantly also the ‘other’ being looked at, we find an uncontrived look at the world coexisting with a yet deep insight into the workings of the world.
This exhibition traces the ways Gocho was looking at the world, from his earliest works until his premature death by presenting selected monochrome images from series such as ‘Every day’, ‘Childhood’ and ‘SELF AND OTHERS’. In recent years Gocho has become the subject of re-evaluation and we hope that you, too, in the world he shows us, (re-)discover yourself in the ‘other’.

About the Artist
Gocho Shigeo was born November 2nd, 1946, as the second son of a hardware merchant in the district of Kamo (now the City of Kamo) of Minamikanbara County in Niigata prefecture. After falling ill with Pott’s disease (vertebral tuberculosis) at the age of 3, he spends nearly a whole year in bed. In his teens, several of his works get selected for various art and poster exhibitions. In 1965, after graduating from the Niigata Prefectural Sanjo Business High School, Gocho enters the Living Design Department of Kuwasawa Design School where he finally proceeds to the Photography Department and graduates in 1968. He continues to take photographs while working as designer. 1977, he self-publishes a collection of images under the title ‘SELF AND OTHERS’ (Hakuakan, Nagoya). In 1978 he wins the Newcomer Award of the Photographic Society of Japan for this collection and its subsequent exhibition. In 1983 he returns home due to his worsened physical condition, but despite continuous efforts to improve his condition, dies on June 2 of heart failure. He was 36 years old. A retrospective exhibition under the title ‘Shigeo Gocho 1946-1983’ was held 2004 at The Niigata City Museum of Art, The Yamagata Museum of Art and Mitaka Civic Art Gallery. In 2000, director Sato Masato released his documentary on Gocho, which he named after Gocho’s 1977 photo-collection ‘SELF AND OTHERS’ and received wide acclaim. 2013 saw the publication of his photo-collection ‘Children’ (Hakusuisha, Tokyo) and a newly designed edition of the ‘Familiar Street Scenes’ (Yagisha, Tokyo).

Events during the exhibtion:
1. Screening of the documentary ‘SELF AND OTHERS’ with a follow-up lecture by photography critic Iizawa Kotaro
Part 1Screening of ‘SELF AND OTHERS’(SATO Makoto, 2000, 53 min.)
Part 2Lecture ‘On Gocho Shigeo and his collection SELF AND OTHERS’,
Iizawa Kotaro, photography critic

‘SELF AND OTHERS’, shot by director Sato Makoto (1957-2007; renowned internationally for works such as ‘Living on the River Agano’, 1993) in 2000, 17 years after Gocho’s death, is an out-of-the-box documentary that received wide acclaim. Sato refrains from using any kind of interviews with people Gocho knew, but instead offers a collage of Gocho’s works, footages of places appearing in his photographs, original voice recordings, letters and manuscripts by the artists. After the screening, photography critic IIZAWA Kotaro, who is not only one of the leading figures behind the recent re-evaluation of Gocho’s work but also was acquainted with director Sato, will give a talk on Gocho and his work.
Date:November 5th , 2016 (Saturday) 13:30 – 15:30(admission from 13:00)
Admissions: Free
Max. number of participants:150 (Registration required)
Reservations can be made by telephone or directly at FUJIFILM SQUARE
TEL: 03-6271-3350 (Reception hours 10:00-18:00)
Collaboration: Eurospace

2. Gallery Talk by photographer Miura Kazuto, friend to Gocho since his days at the Kuwasa Design School and developed the prints for this exhibition
Date:November 26th , 2016 (Saturday), 14:00-14:30 and 16:00-16:30
Venue:The Photo History Museum at FUJIFILM SQUARE
*No registration required
