(切り絵)怠惰 2015
©Agneta Flock
本展では、彼女の原点でもある織の作品や、未発表作品を含む切り絵の代表作を一堂に展観するとともに、切り絵が彩るアグネータ流窓辺のコーディネートを再現。 北欧の深い精神性を受け継ぐアグネータの作品と暮らしの魅力に迫ります。
●Profile:Agneta Flock / アグネータ・フロック
●Information:アグネータ・フロックさん ギャラリー・トーク開催
☆日 時 :10月22日(土)14:00~
☆西館1Fアレーナホール会場内 事前申込不要・参加無料(入場券は必要です)
会 場 :玉川髙島屋S・C西館1F アレーナホール
〒158-0094 東京都世田谷区玉川3-17-1
問い合わせ:玉川髙島屋S・C TEL:03-3709-2222(代)
入場料 :一般 700円 / 高校生・中学生 500円 (各税込)
主 催 :NHKサービスセンター/玉川髙島屋S・C
後 援 :スウェーデン大使館
協 力 :アクアビットジャパン/ジーディーセヴンス
Phantasies from North Europe – The world of papercut artist Agneta Flock
Tokyo Tamagawa Takashimaya S・C West Bldg., 1F Arena Hall
October 22, 2016 (Sat.) – November 3, 2016 (Thu.)
10:00 –20:00(last admission 19:30)
*opened until 18:00 on November 3., 2016 (last admission 17:30)
Drawing inspiration from Sweden’s beautiful nature and Europe’s traditional folk tales, artist Agneta Flock has begun creating fanciful papercuts after having already established a unique world of textile design. Until today she continues to bring forth these magical papercuts, which – together with her stance to enjoy the small things and little pleasures of everyday life – keep enchanting people in Japan as well as abroad.
Besides woven textiles, one of the origins of her artistic career, this exhibition will show representative papercut works, some of which will be exhibited for the first time. In doing so, it will give an insight into Agneta Flock’s artistic world and her experience of everyday life.
“Papercuts add to life, as do the four seasons, color, ease and richness”
Agneta Flock
●Artist Profile
Born 1941 in Gothenburg, Sweden. After majoring in textile design at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Agneta Flock, worked as textile artist for more than 40 years until she started creating papercut works on a full scale. In 2004 she was featured in NHK’s television program ‘Oshare Kobo’ (fashion atelier), after which her papercuts were used for the design of the accompanying magazine for two consecutive years. In 2011, NHK BS Premium broadcasted the high-vision special program “Agneta and her magical papercuts”, which created enthusiastic responses.
●Events during the exhibition
Gallery talk by Agneta Flock
Date: October 22., 2016 (Sat.), 14:00-14:30,
October 24. (Mon.), 11:00-11:30 and 14:00-14:30
Venue: Tokyo Tamagawa Takashima S・C West Bldg., Arena Hall 1F
Admissions: Free with an entrance ticket for the exhibition
*No registration required
*Schedules and contents may subject to changes.
●General Information:
Period:October 22, 2016 (Sat.) – November 3, 2016 (Thu.)
Opening Hours:10:00~20:00 (last admission 19:30)
*opened until 18:00 on November 3., 2016 (last admission 17:30)
Venue:Tokyo Tamagawa Takashimaya S・C West Bldg., 1F Arena Hall
Tamagawa 3-17-1, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158-0094 Japan
URL: www.tamagawa-sc.com
TEL: 03-3709-2222 (Tamagawa Takashimaya)
Admissions:Adult 700 ¥, High School and Junior High School Students 500 ¥(tax. incl.)
*Free for children under the age of 12 and for persons with a Physical Disability Certificate (shogaisha techo) and one accompanying person.
Organization: NHK Service Center, Tamagawa Takashimaya S・C
Support: The Embassy of Sweden
Cooperation: Aquavit Japan
Planning and Production: Contact Co., Ltd.
*The information provided above is up to date as of July 2016. Contents may be subject to changes