
写真家 ソール・ライター展


1950年代からニューヨークで第一線のファッション・カメラマンとして活躍しながら、1980年代に自らの制作活動に没頭するため商業写真から退き、世間から姿を消したソール・ライター(1923-2013)。写真界でソール・ライターが再び脚光を浴びるきっかけとなったのが、2006年にドイツのシュタイデル社によって出版された作品集でした。時に、ソール・ライター83歳。この新たな発見は大きなセンセーションとなり、その後、展覧会開催や出版が相次ぎました。2012年にはドキュメンタリー映画「写真家ソール・ライター 急がない人生で見つけた13のこと」(日本公開は2015年)が公開され、その名前と作品はさらに多くの人々の知るところとなります。 本展は、ニューヨークのソール・ライター財団の全面的な協力を得て、同財団所蔵の写真作品(モノクロ、カラー)、絵画作品、その他貴重な資料200点あまりを一堂に集め、天性の色彩感覚によって「カラー写真のパイオニア」と称されたライターの創造の秘密に迫る日本初の回顧展です。生涯、美の探求者であったソール・ライターは、「私たちが見るものすべてが写真になる」、という言葉を残しています。日常で見逃してしまう些細な風景の中にある「美」の存在、そして、その「美」の発見によってそれぞれが生きる姿勢を変えることもできる、ということをライターの作品は静かに示唆してくれます。

会場:Bunkamura ザ・ミュージアム(渋谷・東急本店横) 〒150-8507東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-24-1
Bunkamura ホームページ:http://www.bunkamura.co.jp
会期:2017年4月29日(土・祝)―6月25日(日) 5月9日(火)・6月6日(火)休館
開館時間:10:00-18:00 夜間開館:金曜日・土曜日は21:00まで (入館は閉館の30分前)
◎( )内は前売、団体料金
◎団体は20名様以上。電話でのご予約をお願いいたします。 申込み先:Bunkamura TEL03-3477-9413


チケット販売所:Bunkamuraチケットセンター、Bunkamuraザ・ミュージアム、オンラインチケットMY Bunkamura、ローソンチケット、チケットぴあ、セブン・イレブン、ファミリーマート、e+(イープラス)、JTB、ちけっとぽーと各店他主要プレイガイド

1枚:1,000円(税込) 販売期間:2016年12月17日(土)-2017年2月22日(水)
チケット販売所:Bunkamuraチケットセンター、Bunkamuraザ・ミュージアム、オンラインチケットMY Bunkamura

Bunkamura THE MUSEUM
Period: April 29, 2017 (Sat.) – June 25, 2017 (Sat.) Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00
(last admission 17:30)
On Fridays and Saturdays opened until 21:00 (last admission 20:30)

PHOTOGRAPHER – SAUL LEITER A RETROSPECTIVE Saul Leiter (1923-2013) was a leading fashion photographer in New York since the 1950’s, until he was forced to retire from commercial photography in the 1980’s, started focusing on his individual work and disappeared from the world. It was a collection of his work that he published with Steidl Verlag in Germany in 2006 that brought him back to the limelight of the world of photography. He was 83 years old by then. His re-discovery became a big sensation and led to numerous exhibitions and publications. In 2012 a documentary film titled “In No Great Hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter” (published in Japan in 2015) was released, making his name and works known to even more people.
Thanks to full cooperation from the Saul Leiter Foundation, this exhibition gathers photographic works (monochrome, color), paintings and other invaluable material from their collections. It is the first retrospective to be held in Japan that approaches the secrets of artistic creation of Saul Leiter, the ‘pioneer of color photography’.
Leiter has been quoted saying, ‘Everything is suitable to be photographed. Everything is a photograph’. His photographs demonstrate that. They capture the beauty also within those sceneries and moments in everyday life that we tend to overlook or take for granted, allowing us not only to rethink what ‘beauty’, but also what ‘everyday life’ means.

Venue: Bunkamura THE MUSEUM 2-24-1 Dogenzaka, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0043 TEL:03-5777-8600
Period: April 29, 2017 (Sat.) – June 25, 2017 (Sat.) Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (last admission 17:30) On Fridays and Saturdays opened until 21:00 (last admission 20:30)
Admissions: Adult 1,400 Yen (1,200 Yen), University and High school Students 1,000 Yen (800 Yen), Junior High school and younger 700 Yen (500 Yen)
*Prices in brackets are for pre-sale and groups of 20 and more
*For pre-sale tickets and group registrations call Bunkamura, TEL: 03-3477-9413
*For a student discount please present a valid student ID
*Discount available for owners of a Physical Disability Certificate (shogaisha techo)

Organization: Bunkamura
Support: Saul Leiter Foundation New York, The Estate of Saul Leiter
Planning: Contact Co., Ltd.

General pre-sale of tickets from Feb. 23, (Wed.), 2017 until April 28., 2017 (Fri.) at Bunkamura Ticket Center, Bunkamura THE MUSEUM, Online Ticket My Bunkamura, Lawson Tickets, Chiketto Pia, SevenEleven, Family Mart, e+, JTB, Ticket Port and ticket agencies.

Pre-sale of discount tickets has ended.
Don’t miss the chance to get a ticket for only 1,000 Yen (tax incl.) Pre-sale tickets available only from Dec. 17, 2016 (Sat.) until Febuary 22, 2017 (Wed.) at Bunkamura Ticket Center, Bunkamura THE MUSEUM and Online Ticket My Bunkamura 

写真:ソールライター《タクシー》1957年 ソール・ライター財団蔵 ©Saul Leiter Estate

日本の写真史を飾った写真家の 「私の1枚」

日本の写真史と写真界の発展の軌跡をご覧いただける本コレクションは、2014年にフジフイルム スクエア(東京)・富士フイルムフォトサロン大阪で展示の後、昨年末までに公立美術館を中心に7か所で巡回展示を行い、写真関係者のみならず美術や芸術に精通する方々からも高い評価をいただきました。
これらが評価され、公益社団法人企業メセナ協議会より「芸術・文化振興による社会創造活動」として「THIS IS MECENAT2015」「同2016」の認定をいただきました。

日本の写真史を飾った写真家の 「私の1枚」

会場:FUJIFILM SQUARE(フジフイルム スクエア)
〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂9-7-3(東京ミッドタウン・ウエスト)

会場:フジフイルム スクエア 2F特設会場
お電話、もしくはフジフイルム スクエア受付にて先着順にて承ります。
TEL:03-6271-3350(受付時間 10:00-18:00)


2014年1月17日(金)-2月5日(水)/東京・フジフイルム スクエア
2015年11月20日(金)-2016年 1月27日(水)/北海道・北海道立釧路芸術館

撮影 鹿島清兵衛 ポン太 1895年頃
撮影 影山光洋 手作りの小麦の収穫祝いの食卓 1946年6月25日
撮影 水越武 天に登る光跡 カラコルム・パキスタン 1979年


玉川髙島屋S・C 西館1F アレーナホール

(切り絵)怠惰 2015
©Agneta Flock

本展では、彼女の原点でもある織の作品や、未発表作品を含む切り絵の代表作を一堂に展観するとともに、切り絵が彩るアグネータ流窓辺のコーディネートを再現。 北欧の深い精神性を受け継ぐアグネータの作品と暮らしの魅力に迫ります。




●Profile:Agneta Flock / アグネータ・フロック

●Information:アグネータ・フロックさん ギャラリー・トーク開催
☆日 時 :10月22日(土)14:00~
☆西館1Fアレーナホール会場内 事前申込不要・参加無料(入場券は必要です)

会 場 :玉川髙島屋S・C西館1F アレーナホール
〒158-0094 東京都世田谷区玉川3-17-1
問い合わせ:玉川髙島屋S・C TEL:03-3709-2222(代)
入場料 :一般 700円 / 高校生・中学生 500円 (各税込)

主 催 :NHKサービスセンター/玉川髙島屋S・C
後 援 :スウェーデン大使館
協 力 :アクアビットジャパン/ジーディーセヴンス


Phantasies from North Europe – The world of papercut artist Agneta Flock
Tokyo Tamagawa Takashimaya S・C West Bldg., 1F Arena Hall

October 22, 2016 (Sat.) – November 3, 2016 (Thu.)
10:00 –20:00(last admission 19:30)
*opened until 18:00 on November 3., 2016 (last admission 17:30)

Drawing inspiration from Sweden’s beautiful nature and Europe’s traditional folk tales, artist Agneta Flock has begun creating fanciful papercuts after having already established a unique world of textile design. Until today she continues to bring forth these magical papercuts, which – together with her stance to enjoy the small things and little pleasures of everyday life – keep enchanting people in Japan as well as abroad.
Besides woven textiles, one of the origins of her artistic career, this exhibition will show representative papercut works, some of which will be exhibited for the first time. In doing so, it will give an insight into Agneta Flock’s artistic world and her experience of everyday life.

“Papercuts add to life, as do the four seasons, color, ease and richness”
Agneta Flock

●Artist Profile
Born 1941 in Gothenburg, Sweden. After majoring in textile design at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Agneta Flock, worked as textile artist for more than 40 years until she started creating papercut works on a full scale. In 2004 she was featured in NHK’s television program ‘Oshare Kobo’ (fashion atelier), after which her papercuts were used for the design of the accompanying magazine for two consecutive years. In 2011, NHK BS Premium broadcasted the high-vision special program “Agneta and her magical papercuts”, which created enthusiastic responses.

●Events during the exhibition
Gallery talk by Agneta Flock
Date: October 22., 2016 (Sat.), 14:00-14:30,
October 24. (Mon.), 11:00-11:30 and 14:00-14:30
Venue: Tokyo Tamagawa Takashima S・C West Bldg., Arena Hall 1F
Admissions: Free with an entrance ticket for the exhibition
*No registration required
*Schedules and contents may subject to changes.

●General Information:
Period:October 22, 2016 (Sat.) – November 3, 2016 (Thu.)
Opening Hours:10:00~20:00 (last admission 19:30)
*opened until 18:00 on November 3., 2016 (last admission 17:30)
Venue:Tokyo Tamagawa Takashimaya S・C West Bldg., 1F Arena Hall
Tamagawa 3-17-1, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158-0094 Japan
URL: www.tamagawa-sc.com
TEL: 03-3709-2222 (Tamagawa Takashimaya)
Admissions:Adult 700 ¥, High School and Junior High School Students 500 ¥(tax. incl.)
*Free for children under the age of 12 and for persons with a Physical Disability Certificate (shogaisha techo) and one accompanying person.
Organization: NHK Service Center, Tamagawa Takashimaya S・C
Support: The Embassy of Sweden
Cooperation: Aquavit Japan
Planning and Production: Contact Co., Ltd.
*The information provided above is up to date as of July 2016. Contents may be subject to changes


Haruo Ohara Fotografias


写真:)朝の雲、1952年 パラナ州テラ・ボア
©Haruo Ohara/Instituto Moreira Salles Collections
Hoje você vê a flor
Agradeça à semente de ontem

「昨日まかれた種に感謝 今日見る花を咲かせてくれた」―大原治雄のメモより


〒407-0301 山梨県北杜市高根町清里3545-1222
TEL: 0551-48-5599
開館時間:10:00~18:00 12月1日~4日は10:00~17:00(入館は閉館30分前まで)
友の会・会員は無料。( )内は20名様以上の団体料金。家族割引あり(2名様以上~6名様まで)。


大原治雄「ブラジルの光、家族の風景」は、日系移民として高知県からブラジルへわたり、アマチュア写真家として活動し、ブラジル国内で大変高い評価を得た“知られざる巨匠”大原治雄(おおはら はるお)の日本での大規模な回顧展です。


太陽にてらされて まっ白い糸が


特筆すべきは、優れた表現力ですが、大自然を相手に一喜一憂する日常を書き綴ることによって、不安に波立つ心を鎮めていたのかもしれません。ある年、霜害で農園のコーヒーの木が枯れてしまい、一家は10年間厳しい生活を送りました。その間にも、大原は、頭を抱えた自分自身のポートレイトを撮影し、ユーモアを感じさせる余裕さえ見せています。そして、再び農業が軌道に乗った後に撮影したのが、写真:)朝の雲、1952年 パラナ州テラ・ボア、大原のセルフポートレイトです。

*清里フォトアートミュージアム発行のPRESS RELEASEより転載させていただきました。

大原治雄作品1(Ohara Haruo Works 1)
大原治雄作品2(Ohara Haruo Works 2)

●大原治雄 Haruo Ohara(1909-1999)略歴

1958年 パラナ州ロンドリーナ ©Haruo Ohara/Instituto Moreira Salles Collections

Hoje você vê a flor
Agradeça à semente de ontem

Thankful for the seed cast yesterday;
It is what made today’s flower bloom
– from Ohara’s notebook

●General Information
Exhibition of Photographs by OHARA Haruo
The Light of Brazil – Family Sceneries

Period:October, 22. 2016 (Sat.) – December, 4. 2016 (Sun.)
Venue:Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts
3545-1222 Takanecho Kiyosato, Hokuto, Yamanashi Prefecture, 407-0301 JAPAN
URL: http://www.kmopa.com/
TEL: 0551-48-5599 FAX: 0551-48-5445
Organization:Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Instituto Moreira Salles, The Embassy of Brazil Tokyo
Support:The Yamanashi Prefectural Board of Education, The Hokuto Municipal Board of Education
Planning:Contact Co., Ltd.
Opening Hours:10:00 – 18:00 (last admission 17:30); 10:00 – 17:00 (last admission 16:30) between December 1., 2016 – Dezember 4., 2016; closed on Tuesdays
Admission: Adult 800 ¥ (600 ¥), University Students 600 ¥ (400 ¥), High-school and Junior High-School Students 400 ¥ (200 ¥).
( )Prices in brackets are for groups of 20 or more.
*Free for members of the Friends of the K・MoPA
*Reduction available for families (2 – 6 persons)

The Earth of Brazil, Farming, Family
The Light of Brazil – Family Sceneries is a large-scale retrospective of Ohara Haruo, highly regarded critically yet publicly still mostly unknown Japanese-Brazilian amateur photographer.
It was 1908 when the Kasato Maru, carrying the first set of 781 contracted workers, set sail to Santos, Brazil. Ohara Haruo was born 1909, the following year, in Misemura (present-day town of Ino) in the district of Agagawa, located in the prefecture Kochi on the south coast of Shikoku. In 1927, at the age of seventeen, he and his family too immigrated to Brazil as part of a larger group of Japanese immigrants. After arriving in Brazil he first worked as farm laborer in São Paulo and later moved to the undeveloped areas of Londrina in the state of Paraná as one of the first to settle there. At the age of 24 he married. It was his wedding that made him think about ways to record important events in his life and finally led him to buy his first camera a few years later. It does not surprise, thus, that his first photograph depicts his wife Kou, next to an orange tree. From then on Ohara continued to make photographs when he had time to spare from work at his farm. He studied and mastered photographic technique on his own, gradually spending more and more time with his camera and in 1951 eventually became a member of the Photo Cinema Club Bandeirante, a prestigious photographic association, and began to exhibit works at home and abroad. From the early 1970s on he started attracting the attention from local newspapers and subsequently became known to a broader public through articles, individual exhibitions, and participations in photo festivals for which he received considerable critical acclaim.

Ohara’s Approach Towards Photography and Central Works of the Exhibition
From the day he left Japan, Ohara kept a diary which he continued to write every day for the remaining 70 years of his life. In it we find quotes such as the following:The weather, just like cats, capricious. Rain. Gray clouds passing by. Dropping beads of water. Illuminated by the sun, a sparkling white string. Seeming to connect heaven and earth.These lines demonstrate the liveliness of Ohara’s artistic expressions, yet they also hint at the close relationship that for Ohara existed between poetic reflection and everyday life. In other words, writing as well as photographing were not only abstract ways of artistically expressing himself, but also practices to deal with concrete hardships. We can see that, for instance in the self-portraits he took during the 1940s, a time in which his coffee plants dried up and pushed the family to its existential limits. For in these self-portraits where we find him burying his head in his hands, there still remains a sense of humor that bespeaks of self-ironical distance; a self-distantiation that may have helped him get over these hard times. Similarly, the photograph Morning clouds (see above) taken in 1952 after his farm had finally recovered from the previous troubles, with its broad sky and a playful Ohara, can be said to bespeak of his relief.
Ohara continued to photograph all encompassing landscapes such as the one in this image, landscapes structured by a sky and a horizon that Ohara himself opened up by developing the primeval forests of Londrina. Against the background of this wide sky – a symbol for development – we find Ohara balancing a hoe on the tip of his fingers, himself “seeming to connect heaven and earth”. This is a figure full of joy over having overcome previous hardships. Yet, it is not him but the vast land of Londrina that takes the center stage, as Ohara suggests by positioning himself on the right of this image – making it into a representative photograph not only of Ohara’s artistic practice but also of this exhibition.
Ohara’s photographs are filled with Brazil’s generous land, the joy he found in farming and a tender, loving gaze towards his family. Many of his photographs at first sight might appear to us as spontaneous snapshots but on a closer look it becomes obvious that his images – the use of natural light and the composition of his objects – are carefully planned and structured, thus, bespeaking of Ohara’s technical skills as well as his ability to observe and his expressiveness.
Furthermore, in his genuine effort to create an original world of expression by portraying the beauty within everyday life through techniques deeply embedded within the concepts of modern experimental photography, we can discover Ohara’s fearlessness with regards to trying out new things. Judging from his photographs one is tempted to say that to carefully depict the important moments of life and the things dear to the people around him and the joy of sharing these photographic fragments of everyday life with his family was one of the central desires that defined Ohara’s life.
Ohara documented the development of Londrina but never the hard labour or turmoils during the war. Throughout his life Ohara kept his stance of being an amateur photographer whose artistic practice is deeply rooted within his experience of everyday life. The joys of farming, thankfulness for the vast earth creating new life, always trying out new things and improving once imaginative skills – we can only guess, but this is what he may have passed onto his children. It is without doubt an important facet that characterizes his work and our understanding of it.
After his wife Kou died in 1973, Ohara revisited all of his negatives in order to create individual albums for each one of his nine children. He locked himself into his darkroom for nearly one year developing over 300 pictures for each of the albums. These albums too will be on display in our exhibition.
In 1999, Ohara died surrounded by his family, which today counts over 70 descendants. In 2008, commemorating the centenary of Japanese immigration to Brazil, his family donated his photographs and documents to the Instituto Moreira Salles, Brazil’s leading archive of photographic material. This exhibition will show 180 carefully selected works of Instituto Moreira Salles’ collection.

Ohara Haruo Works 1
Ohara Haruo Works 2

●Artist Profile /Haruo Ohara(1909-1999)
Born in November 1909 as the eldest son to farmers in Misemura (present-day town of Ino) in the district of Agagawa, located in the prefecture Kochi on the south coast of Shikoku. In 1927, at the age of seventeen, he and his family immigrate to Brazil. After working as farm laborer in São Paulo he moves to Londrina in the state of Paraná in 1933, as one of the first to settle there. Ohara acquires his first camera in 1938 and starts taking photographs in the spare time between growing fruits and coffee at his farm. He studies and masters photographic technique on his own, gradually spending more and more time with his camera. In 1951 he moves to the urban area of Londrina where he becomes a member of the Photo Cinema Club Bandeirante, a photographic association founded in 1939. In the latter half of the 1960s he begins to participate in photographic salons in Brazil and abroad while working at his farm. First an unknown amateur photographer, from the 1970s on his photographs start to attract attention from local newspapers. In 1998, he holds his first solo-exhibition Olhares (‘Looks’) at the 2nd International Biennial of Photography in Curitiba and the International Festival Londrina which created considerable reaction from critics and visitors alike. He dies in Londrina in 1999 at the age of 89, surrounded by his family. In 2008, commemorating the centenary of Japanese immigration to Brazil, his family donated his photographs and documents to the Instituto Moreira Salles, Brazil’s leading archive of photographic material.


FUJIFILM SQUARE 写真歴史博物館企画写真展


新しい写真表現の豊穣期であった1970年代、その一翼を担う写真家として注目を浴びながら、36歳という若さでこの世を去った牛腸茂雄という写真家がいました。1946年、新潟県に生まれた牛腸茂雄は3歳で胸椎カリエスを患い、長期間にわたって下半身をギプスで固定される生活を余儀なくされたことから成長が止まり、生涯、身体的ハンディとともに生きていくことになりました。10代からデザインの分野で非凡な才能を見せた牛腸の大きな転機となったのが、高校卒業後、デザイナーを志し進学した桑沢デザイン研究所での大辻清司との出会いでした。戦後美術史に重要な足跡を残した写真家・大辻は、新しい世代の礎となる才能を数多く見出した優れた教育者でもありました。「もしこれを育てないで放って置くならば、教師の犯罪である、とさえ思った」。その回想にある言葉通りの大辻の熱心な説得は、牛腸の心を動かし本格的に写真の道を歩む決意を固めます。レンズを通して見つめる新たな世界を獲得した牛腸茂雄は、憑かれるように創造の世界に没頭し、カメラ雑誌などに発表した作品が次第に評判を呼び、若い世代の写真家として注目されるようになっていきました。何気ない日常で出会った子どもたち、家族、友人…静逸で淡々とした作品の奥からこちらを見つめる被写体のまなざしは、写真を通して「自分と世界との関わり」を探求し続けた牛腸茂雄のポートレイトでもあります。その身体的ハンディゆえに「見ること」と「見られること」、「自己」と「他者」との関係性を意識することを強いられていた牛腸が世界を見るまなざしには、常に初めて世界をみたような初々しさと深い洞察が共存しています。本展は、<日々><幼年の「時間(とき)」><SELF AND OTHERS>などモノクロ作品のシリーズから精選した約30点により「夭折の写真家」牛腸茂雄の足跡をたどります。近年、再評価の新たな機運が高まる牛腸茂雄が提示する世界は、見るものそれぞれの奥に眠る記憶を呼び起こし、静かで深い感動を呼ぶものと確信します。

企画展名:FUJIFILM SQUARE 写真歴史博物館企画写真展
「GOCHO SHIGEO 牛腸茂雄という写真家がいた。1946-1983」
10:00 -19:00(入場は18 :50まで)会期中無休
会場:FUJIFILM SQUARE (フジフイルム スクエア)写真歴史博物館

〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂9丁目7番3号(東京ミッドタウン・ウエスト)
TEL 03-6271-3350
URL http://fujifilmsquare.jp
入場料:無 料

牛腸茂雄(ごちょう しげお)略歴:
1946年11月2日、新潟県南蒲原郡加茂町(現・加茂市)で金物屋を営む家に次男として生まれる。3歳で胸椎カリエスを患いほぼ1年間を寝たきりで送る。 10代から数々の美術展、ポスター展などに入選。 1965年、新潟県立三条実業高等学校を卒業後、桑沢デザイン研究所リビングデザイン科入学、その後、リビングデザイン研究科写真専攻に進む。 1968年、同校卒業。デザインの仕事と並行して写真を撮り続ける。 1977年、『SELF AND OTHERS』(白亜館)を自費出版。1978年、本写真集と展覧会により日本写真協会賞新人賞受賞。 1983年、体調不良のため実家に戻り静養を続けるが、6月2日、心不全のため死去。享年36歳。 2004年には回顧展「牛腸茂雄 1946-1983」(新潟市立美術館、山形美術館、三鷹市民ギャラリー)が開催され、2000年には佐藤真監督によるドキュメンタリー映画「SELF AND OTHERS」が製作され大きな反響を呼ぶ。 2013年、『こども』(白水社)、新装版『見慣れた街の中で』(山羊舍)が相次いで刊行された。

1.「SELF AND OTHERS」上映会&飯沢耕太郎氏(写真評論家)講演会
第一部 ドキュメンタリー映画「SELF AND OTHERS」(佐藤真監督、2000年)上映
第二部「牛腸茂雄と『SELF AND OTHERS』を巡って」飯沢耕太郎氏(写真評論家)講演
「阿賀に生きる」などの作品により、国内外で高い評価を得た佐藤真監督(1957年-2007年)により牛腸没後の2000年に製作されたドキュメンタリー映画「SELF AND OTHERS」は、牛腸を知る人のインタビューなどを一切排除し、牛腸茂雄の写真と撮影地をたどり、残された草稿、手紙、肉声などとのコラージュによって構成した革新的ドキュメンタリーとして、公開時、大きな評判を呼びました。本編上映後、牛腸茂雄の再評価の契機を作り、生前の佐藤監督とも交流のあった写真評論家の飯沢耕太郎氏に牛腸作品についてお話しいただきます。
会場:フジフイルム スクエア 2F特設会場/入場料:無料
参加申込:10月5日(水)10:00からお電話、もしくはフジフイルム スクエア受付にて承ります。
TEL : 03-6271-3350 (受付時間10:00-18:00)
会場:フジフイルム スクエア 写真歴史博物館
入場料:無料 (事前申込不要)

撮影:牛腸 茂雄

There was a man called
Gocho Shigeo

An exhibition of works by photographer Gocho Shigeo, presented and hosted by
The Photo History Museum at FUJIFILM SQUARE
Title:‘There was a man called Gocho Shigeo (1946-1983)’
An exhibition of works by photographer Gocho Shigeo, presented and hosted by The Photo History Museum at FUJIFILM SQUARE

Period:October 1st , 2016 (Saturday) – December 28th, 2016 (Wednesday)
open everyday from 10:00 to 19:00(last admission 18:50)
Number of exhibited works:30
9-7-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052 JAPAN
(Tokyo Midtown West)
TEL 03-6271-3350 URL http://fujifilmsquare.jp
Admissions: Free
Organisation:FUJIFILM Corporation
Cooperation:MIURA Kazuto
Collaboration:The Minato-ku Board of Education
Planning and Production:Contact Co., Ltd.

About the Exhibtion:
There was a photographer called Gocho Shigeo. He left this world prematurely at the age of 36. Nevertheless, he gained a lot of attention; during the 1970s, a fertile period that saw a variety of new photographic expressions and in whose development and deployment he played an important role.
Gocho Shigeo was born 1946 in Niigata Prefecture. Falling ill with Pott’s disease (vertebral tuberculosis) at the age of 3, he was forced to wear a cast to stabilize his lower body over a long period of time. It was a measure that influenced his growth and led him to lead a life with a physically disabled body. A major turning point for the young Gocho, who showed great talent in the field of design, was the encounter with photographer Kiyoji Otsuji at the Kuwasawa Design School after he graduated from Highschool. Otsuji was an important figure in the post-war art world and was also a distinguished supporter and educator of many of those artists that later founded a new generation of Japanese photography and art more generally. “As a teacher, ignoring and not supporting this talent I would have committed a crime”. The passion emanating from Otsuji’s recollection of his encounter with Gocho also fueled his persuasion of him, which in turn led Gocho to not only pursue a career as designer but also set him onto the path to become the photographer we know him as today.
Subsequently Gocho, who found himself a new world of creation behind and in front of the camera, began to actively take part in Japan’s photographic scene by publishing works in photographic magazines; works that soon attracted the attention of renowned photographers and critics. His casual photographs of children, of his family and friends – his photographic subjects gazing at us from within his quiet and matter-of-fact works mirror Gocho’s life-long inquiry into the personal relation between the ‘self’ and ‘others’. In his gaze, shaped by the experience of his handicapped self being not only the one looking but constantly also the ‘other’ being looked at, we find an uncontrived look at the world coexisting with a yet deep insight into the workings of the world.
This exhibition traces the ways Gocho was looking at the world, from his earliest works until his premature death by presenting selected monochrome images from series such as ‘Every day’, ‘Childhood’ and ‘SELF AND OTHERS’. In recent years Gocho has become the subject of re-evaluation and we hope that you, too, in the world he shows us, (re-)discover yourself in the ‘other’.

About the Artist
Gocho Shigeo was born November 2nd, 1946, as the second son of a hardware merchant in the district of Kamo (now the City of Kamo) of Minamikanbara County in Niigata prefecture. After falling ill with Pott’s disease (vertebral tuberculosis) at the age of 3, he spends nearly a whole year in bed. In his teens, several of his works get selected for various art and poster exhibitions. In 1965, after graduating from the Niigata Prefectural Sanjo Business High School, Gocho enters the Living Design Department of Kuwasawa Design School where he finally proceeds to the Photography Department and graduates in 1968. He continues to take photographs while working as designer. 1977, he self-publishes a collection of images under the title ‘SELF AND OTHERS’ (Hakuakan, Nagoya). In 1978 he wins the Newcomer Award of the Photographic Society of Japan for this collection and its subsequent exhibition. In 1983 he returns home due to his worsened physical condition, but despite continuous efforts to improve his condition, dies on June 2 of heart failure. He was 36 years old. A retrospective exhibition under the title ‘Shigeo Gocho 1946-1983’ was held 2004 at The Niigata City Museum of Art, The Yamagata Museum of Art and Mitaka Civic Art Gallery. In 2000, director Sato Masato released his documentary on Gocho, which he named after Gocho’s 1977 photo-collection ‘SELF AND OTHERS’ and received wide acclaim. 2013 saw the publication of his photo-collection ‘Children’ (Hakusuisha, Tokyo) and a newly designed edition of the ‘Familiar Street Scenes’ (Yagisha, Tokyo).

Events during the exhibtion:
1. Screening of the documentary ‘SELF AND OTHERS’ with a follow-up lecture by photography critic Iizawa Kotaro
Part 1Screening of ‘SELF AND OTHERS’(SATO Makoto, 2000, 53 min.)
Part 2Lecture ‘On Gocho Shigeo and his collection SELF AND OTHERS’,
Iizawa Kotaro, photography critic

‘SELF AND OTHERS’, shot by director Sato Makoto (1957-2007; renowned internationally for works such as ‘Living on the River Agano’, 1993) in 2000, 17 years after Gocho’s death, is an out-of-the-box documentary that received wide acclaim. Sato refrains from using any kind of interviews with people Gocho knew, but instead offers a collage of Gocho’s works, footages of places appearing in his photographs, original voice recordings, letters and manuscripts by the artists. After the screening, photography critic IIZAWA Kotaro, who is not only one of the leading figures behind the recent re-evaluation of Gocho’s work but also was acquainted with director Sato, will give a talk on Gocho and his work.
Date:November 5th , 2016 (Saturday) 13:30 – 15:30(admission from 13:00)
Admissions: Free
Max. number of participants:150 (Registration required)
Reservations can be made by telephone or directly at FUJIFILM SQUARE
TEL: 03-6271-3350 (Reception hours 10:00-18:00)
Collaboration: Eurospace

2. Gallery Talk by photographer Miura Kazuto, friend to Gocho since his days at the Kuwasa Design School and developed the prints for this exhibition
Date:November 26th , 2016 (Saturday), 14:00-14:30 and 16:00-16:30
Venue:The Photo History Museum at FUJIFILM SQUARE
*No registration required











会  期:2016年9月15日(木)-2017年1月17日(火)
会  場:ベルナール・ビュフェ美術館
    〒411-0931 静岡県長泉町東野クレマチスの丘515-57 
    TEL:055-986-1300 FAX:055-987-5511
    URL http://www.buffet-museum.jp
開館時間:9・10月 10:00-17:00/11・12・1月 10:00-16:30(入館は閉館の30分前まで)
休 館 日:水曜日(祝日の場合は翌日休、ただし2016年12月26日[月]-2017年1月6日[金]は休館)
入 館 料:大人:1000円(900円)/高・大学生:500円(400円)/中学生以下:無料
    *( )内は20名様以上の団体割引料金 
主 催:ベルナール・ビュフェ美術館 
企 画:コンタクト 
協 力:アトリエ・ロベール・ドアノー

ロベール・ドアノー プロフィール:


Robert Doisneau – Portrait of a Period
Musée Bernard Buffet

September 9., 2016 (Thu.) – January 17., 2017 (Tue.)
*Closed on Wednesdays (Thursdays, if Wednesday is a national holiday)
and from December 26., 2016 (Mon.) to January 6., 2017 (Fri.)
10:00 – 17:00 (Sept. – Oct., last admission 16:30)
10:00 – 16:30 (Nov. – Jan., last admission 16:00)
Exhibited portraits included those of ■ Alberto Giacometti ■ Pablo Picasso ■ Jean Cocteau ■ Yves Saint-Laurent ■ Bernard Buffet ■ Fernand Léger ■ Raymond Queneau ■ Georges Simenon ■ Christian Dior ■ Sergei Lifar■■■ among others

Known as the ‘fisherman of images’, as an artist who exquisitely captures the small dramas of everyday life, Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) can be said to be one of France’s most popular photographers. Whether it is lovers in Paris, the rich expressions on children’s’ faces, or his witful and satirical street-scenes – Robert Doisneau’s photographs bespeak of his intense interest in and love of humanity, which they continue to be appreciate for all around the world. An equally essential aspect of his photographic practice and career are his portraits. A manifestation of his keen insight and observational skills, these portraits also give testimony to the pleasure Doisneau took in looking. With a focus on Doisneau’s portraits of his contemporaries, this exhibition will present about 140 carefully selected masterpieces in three parts, some of which will be exhibited for the first time in Japan. Together they will not only enhance our understanding of the ‘pleasures of looking’ – one of the essences of photography – but will also tell us something about the pleasures of artistic creation.

Part 1: Doisneau’s portrait of a period
This exhibition will feature around 70 portraits of not only artists and sculptors, but also authors, intellectuals, dancers, art critics, and designers who have been actively participating in Paris’ art scene. These portraits provide us with an opportunity to explore the cultural atmosphere of Doisneau’s Paris while at the same time illuminating the essence of his photographic practice.

Part 2: Doisneau’s Masterpieces
The over 450.000 images Doisneau has produced throughout his life are currently managed by the Atelier Robert Doisneau, an institution founded by his family. They have carefully selected 30 representative masterpieces for this exhibition, which will serve as a referential frame for the understanding and localization of Doisenau’s portrait photography within the greater context of his photographic practice.

Part 3: An homage to Giono
For Doisneau, who spent his childhood days in the gray and dull suburbs of Paris, the human drama that novelist Jean Giono depicts in his fiction against the background of the Provence’s nature has always been an object of admiration. His reportage series ‘La Transhumance’, for which he followed a shepherd on his journey through the Provence, thus could be seen as an homage to Giono, the story it tells, as a ‘portrait’ of Giono. Bernard Buffet, too, was deeply inspired by Giono’s works such as the 1939 novel Recherche de la pureté (Search for Purity), which led him to paint a portrait of the author. As a ‘portrait’ of this author who had a profound influence on the young Buffet and Doisenau, this part of the exhibition will show Doisneau’s series ‘La Trancehumance’.

Period: September 9., 2016 (Thu.) – January 17., 2017 (Tue.)
Venue: Musée Bernard Buffet
Kuremachisu-no-oka 515-57, Higashino, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka, 411-0931 Japan
TEL: 055-986-1300 FAX:055-987-5511
URL: http://www.buffet-museum.jp
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 17:00 (Sept. – Oct., last admission 16:30)
10:00 – 16:30 (Nov. – Jan., last admission 16:00)
Admissions:Adult 1000 ¥(900 ¥)/ University and High-School Students 500 ¥(400 ¥)
*Free for children in Junior High school and younger.
*( ) Prices in brackets are for groups of 20 or more.

Organization: Musée Bernard Buffet
Planning and Production: Contact Co., Ltd. 
Collaboration: Atelier Robert Doisneau

Artist Profile
Born 1912, in Val-de-Marne, Gentilly, a suburb of Paris. After studying Lithography at the École Estienne, Doisenau becomes assistant of photographer André Vigneau. After working as an industrial designer for Renault for five years, he starts his career as a freelance photographer. Masterfully capturing the everyday life of the people of Paris, his work soon attracts the attention of the public and critics alike. In 1951 his photographs are selected for the ‘Five French Photographers’ at the Museum of Modern Art, New York (MOMA). In 1992, two years before his death, a large retrospective is held at the Oxford Museum of Modern Art. He has also received numerous awards such as the Niepce Award (1956) and the Grand Prix National de la Photographie (1983).

* The information above is based on the flyer for the exhibition which has been kindly provided by the Musée Bernard Buffet and is up to date as of July 2016. Contents may be subject to changes.







会  期:2016年7月16日(土)-8月21日(日)
会  場:八戸市美術館
〒031-0031 青森県八戸市番町10-4
TEL:0178-45-8338 FAX:0178-24-4531
URL http://www.city.hachinohe.aomori.jp/art/
休 館 日:7月19日、25日、8月8日、12日、15日
入 館 料:一般500(250)円、高校・大学生300(150)円、小・中学生100(50)円
*( )内は20名以上の団体料金。
主  催:八戸市美術館
協  力:コンタクト、フォトクラシック
後  援:NHK青森放送局、青森放送、青森テレビ、青森朝日放送、八戸テレビ、

Fuji Film Collection ‘My best shot’
– 101 Photographs of Japan’s greatest photographers
Hachinohe City Museum of Art

July 16, 2016 (Sat.) – August 21, 2016 (Sun.)
Closed on July 19th and July 25th as well as August 8th , 12th and 15th
09:00 – 17:00 (last admission 16:30)

This collection was brought into being to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the FUJIFILM Corporation and to highlight its continuous commitment to support and preserve the culture of photography in Japan. It features the ‘best shots’ of 101 leading figures of Japanese photography, enabling the visitor to get an overview of the history of Japanese photography in all its diversity. This exhibitions will show all 101 prints, ranging from photographs taken as early as the Bakumatsu- and Meiji-Period to images from around the turn of the millennium.

Period: July 16, 2016 (Sat.) – August 21, 2016 (Sun.)
Venue: Hachinohe City Museum of Art
Bancho 10-4, Hachinohe City, 031-0031 Aomori, Japan
TEL: 0178-45-8338 Fax: 0178-24-4531
URL  http://www.city.hachinohe.aomori.jp/art/
Admissions:Adult 500 ¥(250 ¥)、High-school and University students 300¥(150¥), Elementary and Junior High-school students 100 ¥ (50¥)
*( )Prices in brackets are for groups of 20 or more.
*Free for students of Elementary Schools and Junior High-schools located within the city of Hachinohe.
*Free for elderly citizens of the city of Hachinohe (age 65 and above).

Organization: The Hachinohe City Museum of Art
Special Cooperation:FUJI Film Corporation
Cooperation:Contact Co., Ltd.; Photoclassic
Collaboration:NHK Aomori; Aomori Broadcasting Corporation; AOMORI TELEVISION BROADCASTING CO.; Asahi Broadcasting Aomori Co., Ltd; Hachinohe Cable Television Co.; Communication Radio BeFM Corporation; The Daily Tohoku Shimbun;
*The information provided above is up to date as of June 2016. Contents may be subject to changes.
