
Otake Shoji Exhibition

*トップ画像:「風と少女」1938年 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)


「マリリン・モンローとジョー・ディマジオ」1954年 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)

静岡県掛川市(旧・小笠郡大須賀町)出身の写真家・大竹省二は、中学生の頃からカメラ雑誌の月例で入選を重ね、十代にしてアマチュアカメラマンとして注目を浴びる存在となりました。戦後、占領下の東京で、1946年からGHQ (連合国軍総司令部)広報部嘱託となり、米軍専用のアーニー・パイル劇場(現・東京宝塚劇場)にて、駐留兵士の慰問に訪れた歌手や女優の撮影をし、写真家としての感性とテクニックを磨いていきます。





会 場 :GRANSHIP (グランシップ)6階
     TEL: 054-289-9000
     URL: http://www.granship.or.jp
会 期 :2021年7月28日(水)〜8月22日(日)
入場料 : 1,000円
主 催 :

 援 :静岡県教育委員会
企 画 :大竹省二事務所、富士フイルム株式会社、株式会社コンタクト

「パリ」1961年 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)


大竹省二 「カラー写真が夢見た時代 COLOR DREAMS」

COLOR DREAMS: The Age of Color Photography

*トップ画像:佐久間良子 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)
*Top image:Ryoko Sakuma (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)

鰐淵晴子 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)
Haruko Wanibuchi (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)





日本でいち早くカラーフィルムの開発に取り組んだ当社は、すでに第一線で活躍し米国のカラーフィルムにも熟知していた大竹に、製品開発の初期の段階から協力を仰ぎました。また、富士フォトサロン(現・富士フイルムフォトサロン)において、1960年に「大竹省二カラー近作展」、1967年に「フジカラーによる大竹省二写真展《COLOR LADIES》」とカラーをテーマにした展覧会も開催しています。大竹の厳しい眼が、国産カラーフィルム開発に少なからぬ影響を与えていたことも想像できます。 

本展、 大竹省二 「カラー写真が夢見た時代 COLOR DREAMS」 では、没後6年を経て、大竹省二事務所のアーカイブ構築作業の中から再発見された富士フォトサロンで展示された作品をはじめ、雑誌の表紙やグラビア等に発表された1960年代のカラー写真など、最新の技術で再現したプリント約30点を展示します。大竹省二の日本のカラー写真史における業績に迫るとともに、モノクロが主流だった時代に色彩あふれるファッショナブルなカラー写真が、いかにきたるべき豊かな暮らしへの夢と希望を抱かせてくれる存在であったかを感じていただける写真展です。 

作家プロフィール Artist Profile




会 場 :FUJIFILM SQUARE (フジフイルム スクエア)
     〒107-0052東京都港区赤坂9丁目7番3号 東京ミッドタウン・ウエスト
会 期 :2021年7月20日(火)〜10月19日(火)
入場料 : 無料
主 催 :

協 力 :大竹省二事務所
企 画 :コンタクト


会 場 :静岡・グランシップ6F展示ギャラリー
会 期 :2021年7月28日(水)〜8月22日(日)
主 催 :公益財団法人静岡県文化財団 

Photo History Museum Photo Exhibition

Shoji Otake “COLOR DREAMS: The Age of Color Photography”

浜美枝 (Photographer: Shoji Otake, ©Ayumi Otake)
Mie Hama – Photographer: Shoji Otake ©Ayumi Otake 

To this day, I haven’t forgotten the excitement I felt the moment I saw a developed color film for the first time.

Shoji Otake

Shoji Otake has left a major mark on the history of post-war Japanese photography. He started his career as a contract photographer for the public relations department of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP or, in Japan, GHQ) after World War II, when Tokyo was nothing but burnt out ruins. Otake was lucky. Despite goods of every description being in short supply at that time, Otake had free access to cameras and film, even color film. He was fascinated by the vivid colors and sensed color photography’s great potential, which he became one of the first to explore. It is not too much to say that for Otake color photography was a medium that symbolized the beginning of a new era, a medium that he placed his hopes and dreams in.

During the 1960s, Otake went on to build a brilliant career as a photographer by providing photographs for various illustrated magazines and advertisements, reflecting Japan on its way to a period of high economic growth. Especially his portraits of women made him famous, so much so that his name became synonymous with female portraits. The remarkable technological progress made by camera and film manufacturers in Japan was another essential factor behind the achievements of Otake and many other photographers at that time.

Fujifilm was one of the first companies to develop color films in Japan and collaborated from the earliest stages of product development with Otake, who at that time already was familiar with American color films and worked at the vanguard of color photography. Fujifilm also hosted exhibitions of Otake’s color works such as “Recent Color Photographs by Shoji Otake” in 1960 and “COLOR LADIES: A FUJICOLOR Exhibition of Photographs by Shoji Otake” in 1967 at what today is the FUJIFILM Photo Salon. It is safe to say that Otake’s uncompromising eye has contributed considerably to the development of color films in Japan.

This exhibition will show 30 color works that have been carefully reproduced using state-of-the-art technology. It will include color photographs Otake took for magazine covers and gravure magazines in the 1960s, and works that have been exhibited at FUJIFILM Photo Salon in the past and have been rediscovered in the process of archiving his oeuvre following his death six years ago. This exhibition will present a close look at Otake’s achievements within the context of the history of Japanese color photography. It allows us a glimpse at how vivid and fashionable color photographs, during a time dominated by monochrome photography, expressed hopes and dreams of a prosperous future to come.

Artist Profile

Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1922, Otake Shoji devoted himself to photography since his days as a teenager. Though starting out as an amateur, he soon made himself known to the broader photographic community of Japan by repeatedly winning monthly competitions hosted by camera magazines. Otake studied at The Tongwen Guan, the School of Combined Learning in Shanghai, until he was drafted in 1942. He returned to Tokyo in 1945 and became a contract photographer for the public relations department of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP or, in Japan, GHQ) in 1946. In 1950, he was made the head of the Photography Department of the U.S.-based news agency International News Service’s (INS) Tokyo branch office and started working as a freelance photographer later that year.

In 1953, he became one of the founding members of the Nikakai Association of Photographers. He photographed many of Japan’s leading authors, actors and artists and was especially lauded for his portraits and nude photographs of women. In 1992, he received the Distinguished Service Award from the Photographic Society of Japan. Shoji Otake died in 2015 at the age of 93.


9 Chome-7-3 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052

July 20, 2021 – October 19, 2021

10:00-19:00 (last admission: 18:30)
*10:00 – 16:00 on the final day of the exhibition
* Exhibitions and events may be subject to cancellation or change by force of circumstances. Please check our website or via phone before visiting.

Admission: free
*This exhibition is being held as a corporate MECENAT activity. Admission is free to allow everyone to enjoy this exhibition.

FUJIFILM Corporation

Shoji Otake’s Office

Planning and Production:
Contact Co. Ltd.

Events during the Exhibition

Exhibition “Photographer Shoji Otake”

Shizuoka Granship Gallery, 6th floor
URL: http://www.granship.or.jp

July 28, 2021 – August 22, 2021
10:00-19:00 (last admission: 18:30)
*10:00 – 16:00 on the final day of the exhibition
* Exhibitions and events may be subject to cancellation or change by force of circumstances. Please check our website or via phone before visiting.

Shizuoka Cultural Foundation



101 Photographs of Japan’s Greatest Photographers

*Top image:Kimura Ihei “Akita Obako”, 1953

*The COVID-19 situation may necessitate changes to the content and schedule of this exhibition.





Tatsuki Yoshihiro, from the series “Angel Sticking Out Its Tongue”, 1965



2014年1月17日(金)- 2月5日(水)/東京・フジフイルム スクエア
2014年2月21日(金)- 3月5日(水)/大阪・富士フイルムフォトサロン大阪
2014年8月1日(金)- 9月28日(日)/愛知・愛知県美術館(名古屋市)
2015年1月10日(土)- 2月11日(水)/兵庫・伊丹市立美術館
2015年3月5日(木)- 5月17日(日)/京都・細見美術館
2015年10月3日(土)- 11月1日(日)/北海道・北網圏北見文化センター美術館
2015年11月20日(金)- 2016年 1月27日(水)/北海道・北海道立釧路芸術館
2016年3月11日(金)- 3月30日(水)/北海道・「写真の町」東川町文化ギャラリー
2016年7月16日(土)- 8月21日(日)/青森・八戸市美術館
2017年3月24日(金)- 4月12日(水)/東京・フジフイルム スクエア
2017年7月1日(土)- 8月20日(日)/山梨・立美術館
2017年11月23日(木)- 12月24日(日) /鳥取・鳥取県立博物館
2018年1月20日(土)- 3月27日(火)/新潟・池田記念美術館
2018年10月27日(土)- 11月18日(日)/新潟・見附市ギャラリーみつけ
2019年04月20日(土)- 06月23日(日)/福島・郡山市立美術館
2020年06月19日(金)- 07月26日(日)/福岡・北九州市立美術館・文官


会 場 :四日市市立博物館
     〒510-0075 三重県四日市市安島1-3-16
会 期 :2021年4月17日(土)〜2021年6月6日(日)
入場料 : 一般1000円、高大生500円、中学生以下無料

主 援 :四日市市立博物館
後 援 :


Hoshino Michio “Caribou Crossing a River at Dusk, ca. 1988


① 記念講演会「日本写真史で何が起こったか?」

四日市市立博物館 1階講座室

四日市市立博物館 4階展示室


③ベビーDAY *毎月第三日曜日

場所:四日市市立博物館 4階展示室

The Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art presents:
The Fuji Film Collection ‘My best shot’
– 101 Photographs of Japan’s Greatest Photographers

Within the more than 150 years since photography arrived at the end of the Tokugawa period, Japan has brought forth many excellent photographers. This exhibition shows the best shots of 101 particularly important artists among them, which will be exhibited as masterful silver halide prints, giving an overview over the history of Japanese photography.

In this exhibition you will find works by the early masters of Japanese photography such as Felice Beato . You will also find pictorialist art photographers and works by artists associated with the modernist New Photography movement of the 1930s such as Shiotani Teiko or Fukuhara Shinzo, alongside the multi-faceted expressions by leading figures of both pre- and post-war photography such as Hayashi Tadahiko, Ueda Shoji or Kimura Ihei.

Today, we see photography having entered yet a new stage due to the spread of digital technology and the internet. We hope that this exhibition will not only show you some of the most essential aspects of Japanese photography but also that it becomes an opportunity to think about what photography was, is and might become.


Kuwabara Shisei “Young Girl Described as a Living Doll”, from the series “Minamata”, 1966


Exhibited Artists (in alphabetical order)

AKIYAMA Ryoji / AKIYAMA Shotaro / ARAKI Nobuyoshi / ARITA Taiji / BEATO Felice / DOMON Ken / ENARI Tsuneo / FUGO Hitoshi / FUKASE Masahisa / FUKUHARA Roso / FUKUHARA Shinzo / GOCHO Shigeo / HAGA Hideo / HAMAYA Hiroshi / HARA Naohisa / HAYASHI Tadahiko / HIROKAWA Taishi / HIROTA Naotaka / HOSOE Eikoh / HOSHINO Michio / INA Eiji / IRIE Taikichi / ISHIMOTO Yasuhiro / ISHIUCHI Miyako / ITO Yoshihiko / IWAMIYA Takeji / JUMONJI Bishin / KAGEYAMA Koyo / KASHIMA Seibei / KAWADA Kikuji / KIKAI Hiroh / KIJIMA Takashi / KIMURA Ihei / KINOSHITA Akira / KITAI Kazuo / KITAJIMA Keizo / KON Michiko / KUBOTA Hiroji / KURATA Seiji / KURIGAMI Kazumi / KUSAKABE Kimbei / KUWABARA Shisei / KUWABARA Kineo / MAEDA Shinzo / MIDORIKAWA Youichi / MINAMIKAWA Sanjiro / MIYAMOTO Ryuji / MIYOSHI Kozo / MIZUKOSHI Takeshi / MIZUTANI Akito / MORINAGA Jun / MORIYAMA Daidō / NAGAKURA Hiromi / NAGANO Shigeichi / NAKAMURA Ikuo / NARAHARA Ikko / NOMACHI Kazuyoshi / OGAWA Kazumasa / OGAWA Takayuki / OHNISHI Mitsugu / OKADA Koyo / OTAKE Shoji / OTSUJI Kiyoji / SAITO Ryoichi / SAKATA Eiichiro / SATO Tokihiro / SAWATARI Hajime / SEIKE Tomio / SETO Masato / SHIBATA Toshio / SHIMAO Shinzo / SHIMO’OKA Renjo / SHINOYAMA Kishin / SHIOTANI Teiko / SHIRAHATA Shiro / SHIRAOKA Jun / SUDA Issei / SUGIYAMA Mamoru / SUKITA Masayoshi / SUZUKI Kiyoshi / TABUCHI Yukio / TAKANASHI Yutaka / TAKEUCHI Toshinobu / TAMURA Akihide / TANAKA Kojo / TANUMA Takeyoshi / TATSUKI Yoshihiro / TOMATSU Shomei / TOMIYAMA Haruo / TSUCHIDA Hiromi / TSUKIJI Hitoshi / UCHIDA Kuichi / UEDA Yoshihiko / UEDA Shoji / UENO Hikoma / USHIODA Tokuko / WATANABE Yoshio / YAMAGUCHI Herbie / YAMAZAKI Hiroshi / YAMAZAWA Eiko / YASUI Nakaji


Yokkaichi Municipal Museum
1-3-16 Yasujima, Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture 510-0075
URL:https://www.city.yokkaichi.mie.jp/museum/museum.html (Japanese only)
TEL: 059-355-2700

April 17, 2021 – June 6, 2020

09:30-17:00 (last admission: 16:30)

adult ¥1000, high-school and university students ¥500, free for children in middle-school and younger
*20% discount for groups of 20 and more 

*50% for people with disabilities reduction

Yokkaichi Municipal Museum

Chunichi Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun Chubu, Ise Shimbun, CTY-FM, Mie FM Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Mie Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.

Special Collaboration:
FUJIFILM Corporation

Photo Classic

Planning and Production:
Contact Co. Ltd.



Saul Leiter Forever - A Retrospective

※トップ画像:ソール・ライター《無題》1950年代 ©️Saul Leiter Foundation
※Main Image:Saul Leiter, Untitled, c.1950s ©️Saul Leiter Foundation

美術館「えき」京都にて、2020年4月11日から5月10日まで開催を予定しておりました『ニューヨークが生んだ伝説の写真家 ソール・ライター展』は、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため、中止となりました。今もなお、多くの方より開催を願う声をいただいており、調整を続けてきた結果、めでたく2021年2月に当館にて開催できる運びとなりました!

We are happy to announce that the exhibition “Forever Saul Leiter” , which was supposed to start at the Museum 「EKi」KYOTO in April 2020 and had to be cancelled due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, will be held after all! The exhibition will be shown at Museum 「EKi」KYOTO starting from Febuary 13, 2021.

We received numerous messages, asking us to provide another chance to see Saul Leiter’s fascinating works. It is thanks to you, that this exhibition will be held again and we want to thank you all for your support and kind words!


1950年代からニューヨークで第一線のファッション・カメラマンとして活躍しながら、1980年代に商業写真から退き、表舞台から姿を消したソール・ライターが一気に忘却の世界から引きずり出されるきっかけは、2006年ドイツの出版社シュタイデル社から刊行された写真集『Early Color』。当時すでに83歳になっていた彼の作品は、世界の写真界に衝撃を与え、これを皮切りに世界各地で展覧会の開催や作品集の出版が行われ、さらにはドキュメンタリー映画が公開。初めてソール・ライターを知る人々にもこの写真家の素晴らしさが理解される機会となりました。


It was in 2017 that the first retrospective of Saul Leiter’s works was held at Bunkamura THE MUSEUM. It became a big hit and now Saul Leiter is back: From January 2020 a second retrospective of his works will be held at Bunkamura THE MUSEUM including not only works that previously haven’t been shown in Japan, but also works that haven’t been shown anywhere yet.

Saul Leiter was a leading fashion photographer in New York since the 1950’s, until he retired from commercial photography in the 1980’s. It was Early Color, a collection of his work that he published with Steidl Verlag in Germany in 2006 that brought him back to the limelight of the world of photography. He was 83 years old by then. His re-discovery became a big sensation and led to numerous exhibitions and publications. In 2012 the documentary In No Great Hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter was released, making his name and works known to even more people.

Many regard Saul Leiter as a pioneer in color photography due to his exquisite sense for color. He has left behind over 80.000 uncatalogued color photographs, which The Saul Leiter Foundation is continuously in the process of “excavating” and bringing into order. This exhibition will show a completely new facet of Saul Leiter work by showing new photographs from this vast archive including previously unpublished and unexhibited works.

左 :ソール・ライター《落書きの顔》1950年、発色現像方式印画 ©️Saul Leiter Foundation
left:Saul Leiter, Graffiti Heads, 1950, chromogenic print, ©️Saul Leiter Foundation
中央:ソール・ライター《無題》撮影年負不詳 ©️Saul Leiter Foundation
middle:Saul Leiter, Untitled, date unknown ©️Saul Leiter Foundation
右 :ソール・ライター《窓》1957年、発色現像方式印画 ©️Saul Leiter Foundation
right:Saul Leiter, Window, 1957, chromogenic print ©️Saul Leiter Foundation

作家プロフィール Artist Profile

ソール・ライターは、1950年代からニューヨークで第一線のファッション・カメラマンとして活躍しながら、58歳になった年、自らのスタジオを閉鎖し、世間から姿を消した。写真界でソール・ライターが再び脚光をあびるきっかけとなったのが、2006年にドイツのシュタイデル社によって出版された作品集でした。この新たな発見は大きなセンセーションとなり、その後、展覧会開催や出版が相次ぎました。2012年にはドキュメンタリー映画「写真家ソール・ライター 急がない人生で見つけた13のこと」(日本公開は2015年)が公開され、その名前と作品は多くの人に知れわたるようになりました。

Saul Leiter (1923-2013) was a leading fashion photographer in New York since the 1950’s, until at the age of 58 he closed his studio and disappeared from the world. It was a collection of his work that he published with Steidl Verlag in Germany in 2006 that brought him back to the limelight of the world of photography. His re-discovery became a big sensation and led to numerous exhibitions and publications. In 2012 a documentary film titled In No Great Hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter was released (first screened in Japan in 2015), making his name and works known to even more people.

ソール・ライター《夜のバス》1950年代、発色現像方式印画 ©️Saul Leiter Foundation
Saul Leiter, Bus at Night, 1950s, chromogenic print ©️Saul Leiter Foundation

展覧会情報 Details

会 場 :美術館「えき」京都
     〒600-8555 京都市下京区烏丸通塩小路下ル東塩小路町
     TEL: 075-352-1111
     URL: https://kyoto.wjr-isetan.co.jp/museum/exhibition_2103.html
会 期 :2021年02月13日(土)~03月28日(日)
休館日 :会期中無休 
入場料 :一般1,000円、大学・高校生800円
主 催 :美術館「えき」京都, 読売新聞社
協 力 :ソール・ライター財団


Museum 「EKi」KYOTO
JR Kyoto Isetan 7th floor, 901 Higashi Shioko-ji, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8555
TEL: 075-352-1111
URL: https://kyoto.wjr-isetan.co.jp/museum/exhibition_2103.html

Feb. 13, 2021 – March 28, 2020

Opening Hours:
10:00 – 19:30 (last admission 18:30)

Adult 1000 Yen , University and High school students 800 Yen, Junior High School students and younger 600 Yen
*Discount available for owners of a Physical Disability Certificate (shogaisha techo) and one accompanying person

Museum 「EKi」KYOTO, The Yomiuri Shimbun

The Saul Leiter Foundation

Contact Co., Ltd., Bunkamura

Please check the museum HP before coming for the latest updates, as the COVID-19 situation might make changes necessary.




Robert Doisneau - La Musique - Paris

トップ画像:《流しのピエレット・ドリオン》パリ 1953年 2月 ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント
©️Atelier Robert Doisneau/Contact




《流しのピエレット・ドリオン》パリ 1953年 2月 ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント
©️Atelier Robert Doisneau/Contact






エディット・ピアフ、ジャック・プレヴェール、イヴ・モンタン、ジュリエット・グレコ、シャルル・アズナヴール、バルバラ、マリア・カラス、ジャンゴ・ラインハルト、アーサ・キット、レ・リタ・ミツコ ほか多数

《イヴ・モンタン》 1949年 ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント
©️Atelier Robert Doisneau/Contact

Robert Doisneau (1912 – 1994)


《ロベール・ドアノーのセルフポートレート、ヴィルジュイフ》 ヴィルジュイフ 1949年
ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント ©️Atelier Robert Doisneau/Contact


なんという微笑みの音楽! 本展には、シャンソンからオペラまで、音楽家たちが多く登場するのだが、歌わない時でさえ彼らは歌っている。シャッターを押す前にドアノーがいかなる言葉の指揮棒を振ったのか、想像してみよう。それはまた、プレヴェールに学んだ写真家の、書き手としてのきらめきに触れるまたとない機会となるにちがいない。



Clémentine Deroudille

©Rita Scaglia



会 場 :Bunkamuraザ・ミュージアム
     〒150-8507 東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-24-1 B1F
     TEL: 050-5541-8600
     URL: Bunkamura ザ・ミュージアム
会 期 :2021年02月05日(金)~03月31日(水)
休館日 :会期中無休
主 催 :Bunkamura, 読売新聞社
協 力 :アトリエ・ロベールドアノー
後 援 :在日フランス大使館、

最新情報はBunkamura HPにて随時ご案内いたしますので、


入場料 :一般1,500円、大学・高校生1,000



100人の写真家のまなざしを通して未来を考える写真展「東京好奇心 2020 渋谷」会場

『写真家ドアノー/音楽/パリ』期間限定特割チケット 800円(税込)

※『東京好奇心 2020 渋谷』会期中のみの取り扱い(10月20日〜11月12日)




30 Years of Hirama Itaru Photography

*トップ画像:『Motor Drive』(1992年)『小林家』(2019年)©︎平間至

「『Motor Drive』は写真館の写真への反抗、

― 平間至

1995年に出版された写真集『Motor Drive』でセンセーションを巻き起こし、タワーレコードの「No Music, No Life?」キャンペーンをはじめ〝音楽が聞こえてくるような躍動感あふれるポートレート″によって、新しいスタイルを打ち出した宮城県塩竈市出身の写真家・平間至。

2020年は、平間至にとってカメラマンデビュー30周年となる記念すべき年です。「平間至30周年記念写真展@塩竈・ひらま写真館」は、2015年、東京・三宿にオープンした平間写真館TOKYOで撮影されたポートレート群<平間写真館大博覧会>と、『Motor Drive』に代表されるシリーズ<Still Movies>、これら2本の代表的シリーズから精選した約70点で構成する展覧会です。

<Still Movies>より @平間至


〝写真館への反抗″としての<Still Movies>、〝再生であり自立だった″平間写真館TOKYOで撮影された人々の記憶を紡ぎ続けるポートレート。この2本のシリーズは対照的でありながら、どちらも平間至の写真に対する姿勢を雄弁に物語るものです。本展は、これらのシリーズを初めて同時に展示する貴重な機会となります。さらに、塩竈・ひらま写真館に保存されていた平間家のアルバムに残されていた写真を公開することで、受け継がれたDNAが、それぞれの時代に応じて形を変えながらも再生していく、というストーリーを感じていただけるものと思います。





平間至|ITARU HIRAMA プロフィール

1963年、宮城県塩竈市に生まれる。日本大学芸術学部写真学科を卒業後、写真家イジマカオル氏に師事。写真から音楽が聞こえてくるような躍動感のある人物撮影で、今までにないスタイルを打ち出し、多くのミュージシャンの撮影を手掛ける。2006年よりゼラチンシルバーセッションに参加、2008年より「塩竈フォトフェスティバル」を企画・プロデュース。2012年より塩竈にて、音楽フェスティバル「GAMA ROCK」主催。2015年1月、東京世田谷区三宿に平間写真館TOKYOをオープンする。

展覧会情報 Details

会 場 :ひらま写真館
     〒985-0021宮城県塩竈市尾島町 18-14
会 期 :2020年10月10日(土) 〜 10月18日(日) (会期中無休)
開館時間:10:00 – 17:00(月〜金)
     11:00 – 19:00(土・日)
入場料 :無料
協 力 :平間写真館TOKYO、コンタクト



The Final Selection: The Portfolio Review Exhibitions

New Faces of Japanese Photography

※main photograph: ©️Takuya Yamahata

In Summer 2019, FUJIFILM SQUARE held the exhibition “Heisei, Tokyo, Snap Shot Love” at Fujifilm Square Tokyo (June) and Fujifilm Photo Salon Osaka (July). During this exhibition, a portfolio review session was organized, where aspiring photographers could get advice by Shinya ARIMOTO, Mitsugu ONISHI, Koji ONAKA, Takehiko NAKAFUJI, Harvey YAMAGUCHI and Keizo MOTODA – six of the artists, whose works were shown at this exhibition.

Out of a total of 78 participants, four photographers were selected, and it is FUJIFILM SQUARE’s great pleasure to now offer these four photographers a venue to exhibit their works here at the Fujifilm Square in Tokyo and at the Fujifilm Photo Salon in Osaka. We want to give these photographers the chance to experience the process of holding a photo exhibition, while receiving advice on planning and composition from the jurors who recommended them, so that they can further develop their talents and build the basis for future achievements.

The works of these four photographers, who all very seriously engage with photography, show us new possibilities of photographic expression. We hope you enjoy their works and thoughts along with the comments of the jurors.

Vol.1 @ Fujifilm Square Tokyo
“A Russian Diary”
(selected by: Koji ONAKA)

©️Takuya Yamahata

This exhibition consists of photographs taken when I studied abroad in Russia between 2016 to 2018, and photographs taken during sporadic visits to Russia between 2018 and 2020.
Traveling is interesting because it allows you to get a taste of the unexpected.
However, daily life in familiar surroundings is quite precious to me too.
I decided to study in Russia because I wanted to experience daily life in an unfamiliar environment.
The cats I fed, swimming in the ocean in April, a meteorite power spot, the sight of couples from behind, the time at friends’ houses – during my time in Russia I experienced a lot of this daily-life-preciousness.
I hope you enjoy these glimpses into the spaces and moments where the familiar and the unfamiliar meet.

Takuya Yamahata

©️Takuya Yamahata

Yamahata likes Russia, so he goes there often. Taking with him camera and film.
And he photographs whatever his mind feels drawn to.
Develops the film.
The photograph not as good as expected, yet, something unexpected in it coming out quite well.
Prints it in a dark room.
The color of the print not really that true to the original, yet, not that bad either.
That’s what’s fun for him, and soon he is off to Russia again.
It was obvious to me that Yamahata enjoys photography.

(jury member)

Takuya Yamahata

1988   Born in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture.
2011   Graduates from the Department of Sociology, Musashi University.
2016-2018 Studies abroad in Vladivostok, Russia. After returning to Japan he begins participating in the darkroom club Ontama, working mainly in analog photography.
2019 Participates in “Fotofever” in Paris as a member of Ontama.

Vol.2 @ Fujifilm Square Tokyo
“Bamboo-Leaf Boat”
(recommended by: Takehiko NAKAFUJI)

©️Takuro Konishi

This is a series of photographs of my wife.
We live together for 18 years now, without the stork coming to visit us.
We live a life quite different from the one we imagined, floating like a small bamboo-leaf boat on a river.

There are times when our everyday life feels just like the repetition of the ever-same.
Within the ever-same scenery, one rarely gets excited about things, even when one sees them for the first time.
Even more so, when one approaches the end of what is commonly referred to as “middle age”.

I wish I could capture this world that I am so familiar with as if it were the first time that I see it.
What did I feel when I first came to this city?
What did I think when I saw rain for the first time?
I want to capture my world, bringing back to memory those things.

The American photographer Saul Leiter once said:
“Mysterious things happen in familiar places. You don’t have to go to the other side of the world.”
I want to walk around the same place every day, picking up little pieces of, continuing to reach out for these mysteries of life.


©️Takuro Konishi

These monochrome prints, delicately depicting the small life of a couple, are infinitely beautiful.
The husband’s gaze at his wife is full of love, and, I guess, it is the wife’s deep trust in her husband that allows her to appear so naturally innocent in front of the camera.
However, the viewer might notice that within the somewhat melancholic expression of the wife looms a strange loneliness.
It is this the simultaneous presence of happiness and sorrow in this relation that lies at the core of Konishi’s works, a fragility symbolized by this exhibition’s title.


(jury member)


1969 Born in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo.
 Participated in a workshop by Nakamura Photographic Academy.

2014 Participated in the “Evening School of Photography” (yoru no shashin-gakko) workshop at Place M, Shinjuku, Tokyo.
2017 Solo exhibition “Tetsuko” a Place M, Shinjuku, Tokyo.

Vol.3 @ Fujifilm Salon Osaka 
(recommended by: Keizo MOTODA)

©Mio Sakato

For this series I photographed young women between the age of 15 and 20, dressing them in school uniforms. The images are influenced by my experience of harassment in school and what I felt while looking through social media. I somehow feel the urge to look at social media even though people talk badly about me and post disturbing things. I felt that through and within photography I could escape that. I reduced my make-up to a minimum, because trying to fit in became exhausting. Trying to create a place where I can relax, through and within photographs – that was why I began to create photographs.

Mio Sakato

©Mio Sakato

Does the motivation for Ms. Maekawa’s work lie within her personal issues? Photographs don’t show the interior of a person – Or so people say. I think they sometimes do. – but a photograph surely is where a person’s interior and the visual outside connect, and others become involved. For, photographs show to others the reality in front of our eyes.
Through the process of preparing a photo exhibition, one thoroughly confronts and examines one’s work. One discovers new facets of one’s work. And I wonder: What kind of artist will this process transform Ms. Maekawa into? For now, let’s just enjoy this new point of departure.

Keizo Motoda

(jury member)

Mio Sakato

1999 Born in Osaka in 1999
2017   Graduates from Osaka City Industrial Arts High School
2018   Participates in group exhibition “Photo-Fre NEXT PROJECT EXHIBITION 2018” at Meiji no Ie, Higashikawa, Hokkaido
2019   Graduates from Visual Arts College, Osaka.
Participates in International Photo Flag Exhibition, Sankyubashisuji, Osaka.
Holds solo exhibition at TK GALLERY, Tokyo

Vol.4 @ Fujifilm Salon Osaka 
“On the Verge”
(recommended by: Mitsugu ONISHI)

©Tomoko Maekawa

Since 2015, I have continued to take photographs of the landscapes in Tokushima and photographs of my daughter.
Photography made me unlearn my already given understanding of “the world”. I immersed myself in the process of looking, in the attempt to gain a deeper understanding of things, and while doing so, at one point, suddendly felt a warm fire being lit in my heart.
Photography is a series of choices.
Over time, these choices flushed out the sediment of all those words I had to swallow because of my position, because of my role, or out of consideration for others. They slowly broadened my perspective, away from my children, on which it was fixated for so long.
Before I encountered photography, I tended to be more emotional about things. I didn’t try to really see what it is going on in front of me. Nor did I try to look for hidden, for invisible things.
It’s strange. Trivial photographs of everyday life, nothing more than pieces of paper, bring back to mind a variety of sensations and memories, become a platform for connecting the different experiences and memories of me and my daughter, become themselve experiences and memories.
A fire ignited through the continous process of thinking about photography and the wish to come – sometimes with shaking hands – in contact with the contradictions and uncertainties in our world through the help of a camera. I believe that this fire can, however faintly, shed light on yet unseen horizons.

Tomoko Maekawa

©Tomoko Maekawa

“Conflict” grows bigger during the process of creating a photography. However, during this process one also experiences freedom: The freedom to return to oneself, and look at the world from one’s own individual point of view. Ms. Maekawa’s photographs are full of murmuring and frustration that often is excluded from “family albums” and show us why we have to continue living even during times like this. They show us that the mundane emotion of caring is steadily illuminating the future. And that we have no choice but to walk that way towards that future.

Mitsugu ONISHI

(jury member)

Tomoko Maekawa
1972 Born in Tokyo.

1998 Moves to Tokushima City.
2015 Participates in photography courses at Photo Archipelago Photography School.


1 Tokyo Exhibitions
Vol.1 Takuya YAMAHATA “A Russian Diary” (recommended by: Koji ONAKA)
Vol.2 Takuro KONISHI “Bamboo-Leaf Boat” (recommended by: Takehiko NAKAFUJI)

9 Chome-7-3 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052
Period: 2020.08.28-202o.09.10
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 19:00
(open until 16:00 on the last day)
 Admission: free
Organisation: FUJIFILM Corporation
Planning: Contact

2 Osaka Exhibitions
Vol.3 Mio Sakato “Mellow” (recommended by: Keizo MOTODA)

Vol.4 Tomoko MAEKAWA “On the Verge” (recommended by: Mitsugu ONISHI)

2 Chome−2−3, Chuo Ward, Nanba, Osaka 542-0076
Period: 2020.10.02-202o.10.15
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 19:00
(open until 16:00 on the last day)
 Admission: free
Organisation: FUJIFILM Corporation
Planning: Contact

